Monday, 3 December 2012


                  Month’s Focus : Sharing and Caring
Course book –
Lesson 7 -The Abraham Prize
Lesson 9 – Bachandri Pal (creative writing)
Lesson 10 – I don’t want to
Lesson 11 –The refugees (role play)
Poem –Freddie, I had a dove, Another chance
Workbook –   
L  7 Hodja and the prisoned Baklava
L-8  Mrs Daroowala
L-9  Brave Arti
L-10 Please
Literature –ch 4,5,6    

Write a paragraph describing an interesting incident in your life

Ch 7 –Shapes ,space and pattern               Ch 8– measurement   
Ch 9- Area and Perimeter
Ch 10 – Time     
Ch 11- Handling Data ( project work)
Drawing different pattern using compass
Find the area and perimeter of Mathematics text book

Social Studies  
L-8  Our Natural resources
L- 10 Our Forest Wealth
L-11 Our Water Resource
L- 12 Our mineral resources
L -16 Means of transport
L -4, 5 (project work)
Make a model of a wind mill .
Stick pictures of 2 extinct animals
Draw a poster on ‘save water’

L-6  Plants :preparing and storing food
L-7 Plants ; living and Surviving
L-8 Animals : How life goes on
L-9  Animals : Living and surviving
Draw or stick pictures of terrestrial plants and aquatic plant
Life cycle of butterfly ( Mobile )

II  Language
L-14 Do gadhon ka bojh
L- 15 Kaam maje ka
L-16 Booa ne kaha
L-17 Raja kee maina                                           
Collect and stick the pictures of birds

French : Leçon -8.La famille de Manuel.
Leçon-9.Les vacances.
Leçon-10.Le drapeau de mon Pays  

Make a family chart.
 Speak/describe your holidays  
Telugu :
L-15   Ugadi
L-16 Buddudu
L -17 Janmabhoomi
L -18 Vemana Neetulu     

Buddhuni Sutramulu(writing)
Creative writing skills/ Eng. Language enhancement skills
Write a journal on Bachandri pal

Computer science
L-8  Formating a document
L-9 Logo commands                                           
Lab activity on designing various shapes 
Art & Craft
Making flower with ice cream stick and papers
Christmas coloring book page - Santa Face 
General Knowledge     
 Pg. 46- 65     

Santa Claus is coming
Teri hai Zameen

Football – Squirrels in the trees
Football – Steal the treasure
Run –up to physical  fitness test
Skill assessment circuit

Events:                                                                                           Competition:                    
1/12/12 – World Aids Day   (Assembly presentation)             14/12/12- Gift Wrapping (I – V
10/12/12- Human Rights Day (Assembly presentation)          21/12/12 – Card Making (I – V)                                              
10/12/12 – 14/12/12- USSR week                                               4/1/13 – G.K Quiz (I – V)                  
22/12/12 – Christmas Celebration                                            Holidays:
26/12/12 Boxing Day   (Assembly presentation)                        24/12/12 - Holiday
 11/1/13 – School Picnic                                                           25/12/12 – Christmas
 23/1/13 – Subash Chandra Bose (Assembly presentation)     31/12/12 - Holiday                                                                                                                                          
 26/1/13 – Republic Day                                                         1/1/13 – New Year
30/1/13 – Martyr’s Day (Assembly presentation)                     12/1/13 – 20/1/13 – Pongal Vacation         
Assessment:                                                                           25/1/13 – Milad – Un –Nabi  
3/12/12 – 10/12/12 – Unit Test II                               
15/12/12 – PTM + Book Fair
29/12/12 – Kid’s Carnival           
21/1/13 – School reopens after Pongal vacation