Saturday, 5 October 2013


Month’s Focus: Give light to others

Field trip/ Project work/ Special Activity
M.C.B: Ls-7: Larry will learn
             Ls-8: Mowgli
             Poem: Fireworks
             Poem:If you give a mouse a motorcycle
W.B:     Ls-7: Larry will learn
             Ls-8: Mowgli
Lit:        Ls-5: Boy scouts forever
             Poem: Sophie
             Poem: Moonwalker

·             Poem:   Firework-recitation
·             Enacting the lesson – Larry will learn

 Ch:8        Decimal
 Ch: 9       Time
 Ch: 10     Money
 Ch: 11     Geometry
·         Decimal representation Multiplication grid
·         Choosing, operating and guessing game
Social Studies
Ls- 7       Our Mineral Resources
Ls- 8       Our Human Resources
Ls- 9       Our Agriculture
Ls- 10     Our Industries
·   Class exhibit: Students bring various metal objects and guess which metal each object is made up of.
·    Interviewing  a person who is less privileged than you and writing a report.
·   Preparing a chart with various types of crops.
Ls- :       * Habitats
Ls-9:      Animals: Living & Surviving
Ls-8:      How life goes on
·      Charts on animals and their habitats.
·      Chart of animals, way of reproduction and their young ones.
II Lang
          Ls :10     Aasa yaa gandhiji
          Ls :11     Surili koyal
          Ls:12     Pathr ek kisan ke

·         Mahapurushom ka chithrom ka naam likavaya jayagee.
·         Apna priya pakshi ka chithrbanvakar vuske kuch visashthaya likavayaga.
·         Dak ghar ka chithr ma rang baranga avur dakiya ka bara ma panch vakya likvayaga.
          Ls:10     Manarashtram
          Ls:11     Bala battudu
          Ls:12     Golkonda
          Ls:13     Lekha
·            Aa Aa rashtramulu dhaniki prasidhi vrayinchuta aavaravariki atuvanti sevalu andhisthunaro vraya manichaputa
·            Hyderabad loone Golkonda kattadammunu chupinchuta
·            Mee patasalalo jarigina swathanthr dinothsavam  gurinche snehithuniki lekha vrayinchuta
         Ls-5:      Dans la classe
         Ls-6:      Les amis de Caroline
         Ls-7:      Quel jour sommes – nous?
·            Writing skills: Describing a person with the help of adjectives.
·            Speaking skills: Speaking about the nationalities, asking, telling about the days of the week.
Creative Writing skills/English language/ Enhancement skills
·         Write a small composition about    ‘The festival of lights’.

Computer Science
Ls-6:    Formatting a document
Ls-7:    Logo commands
·         Working with alignments, bullets, borders, shading etc.
·         Working with Pr command with various mathematical functions.
Art and Craft
·         Aquarium
·         Pot painting
·         Diya decorations
General Knowledge
Pgno:       46 to 60

Songs: 1. My life is in you lord
             2. Showers of blessings

·         Touch rug by – passing and receiving
·         Touch rug by – game
·         Co-operative game for fitness
·         Aerobic and strength stations

Life skills
·         Ironing clothes
·         Folding clothes

Events:                                                                                                                          Competition:
1/10/13 – World Aged Day (Assembly Presentation)                                                     25/10/13 –Talk Show (I- V)
3/10/13 – World Habitat Day (Assembly Presentation)                                                 30/10/13 –Swimming Competition (I-V)
4/10/13 – National Solidarity Day (Assembly Presentation)                                      22/11/13 – Spell bee (I- V)
5/10/13 – International Teacher’s Day (Assembly Presentation)                                Holidays:
8/10/13 - Air Force Day + World Elder’s Day (Assembly Presentation)                    2/10/13 – Gandhi Jayanthi
10/10/13 - Academic Fair                                                                                             11/10/13 – 20/10/13 – Dasara Break
24/10/13 – UNO Day (Assembly Presentation)                                                            1/11/13 & 2/ 11/13-  Diwali
31/10/13 – Diwali Celebration                                                                                         14/11/13 –Muharram
8/11/13 – Junior Leadership Contest                                                                            
15/11/13 – Field Trip (I- V)                                                                                                      
19/11/13 – National unity week (Assembly Presentation)                                                                                                                                                                                 

21/10/13 – School reopens after Dasara