Friday 14 October 2011


Month’s Focus: Being Respectful


 C.B-L-7: The Abraham Prize
          L-8: Shooting
 Poem: I had a Dove
W.B-L-7 :The Hodja and the Poisoned     Baklava 
L-8: Mrs. Daroowala      
  1. Narration of a story on their own

  1. Collage work: Describe any personality whom you admire the most


Chapter 8- Common Fractions—(Cont)
Chapter 10- Measurement of Weight
Chapter 16- Data Handling

1. Organizing cricket match to fill the data sheet.
2. Recording self & peer wts & drawing a bar graph.

Social Studies
Lesson 12:Our Mineral Resources
Lesson 13:Our Human Resources
Lesson 14:Our Agriculture
Lesson 15:Our Industries

1. Classroom discussion on small families.
2. To make a list of spices we use in our homes.
3. Important ports of India &our state .


Lesson 8: Animals: How life goes on
Lesson 9: Animals :Living and surviving
Lesson 10:Force, Work & Energy  

1.Collection of pictures of animals and their babies and paste them in the scrap book
2 Chart on solar, wind & Geothermal energy and their uses.
  1. Saving energy checklist
II Language

Hindi: 10% fnYyh dh lSj
      11%uUgk ikS/kk
      12% chjcy dh f[kpM+h

1% fnYyh ds ?kweus yk;d LFkyksa 
  ds fp= fdrkc esa fpidkb,A
2% uUgk ikS/kk dk fp= fdrkc esa

Telugu: Lesson-  9, 10 ,11,12 & 18                 

French : Les leçons: 6,7,8,9

Montez leur photo de famille et presentez- leur famille.
Racontez les vacances.
Creative writing skills /
Eng Lang Enhancement skills
Paragraph Writing:  Write a paragraph in 10-12 lines describing “How I spent My Dusshera Vacation”.

 Computer Science
L 7: Selecting and Editing Text
L 8 Formatting a document
Creating documents
Using alignments and fonts, shapes and colours.
 Art & Craft

Rabbit Hops

Shapes and Colours
General Knowledge
Lesson 10-Language & Literature
Lesson 11-Science and us
Lesson 12- Plants and Animals
Lesson 13- Culture, Sports and Fun
  1. Writing names of different languages spoken in India.
  2. Write a paragraph on the home culture of a child.
 My life is in you Lord
Showers of blessings 
Durga song
Diwali song

Cricket, Throwball, volleyball, Formations & March past
Batting, Bowling, clean the House, serving, clean bowled.
                     15/10/11             English Recitation.      (PP-V)
                     19 & 20/10/11     -    Swimming competition
                     21/10/11              -     II Lang Handwriting Competition      (I-V)
                     4/11/11                -     Card Making. (Please send the material)   (I-V)
                     25/11/11              -     Book marker making Competition. (Please send the material)   (I-V)
Events & Celebrations:  
       24/10/11         -     UNO Day   (Assembly Presentation) 
      28/10/11          -     Field Trip (PP to V)
      31/10/11         -     Sardar Patel Jayanthi (Assembly Presentation)   
      14/11/11         -     Children’s Day       
Holidays:       26/10/11         -     Diwali
                        7/11/11         -     Bakrid
 Others:           22/10/11        -     PTM   (Report card) Timings: - 2pm-3.30pm
                                 All Saturdays are ‘working days’ in Oct 11 & Nov 11.