Monday 30 July 2012

Theme: Madhya Pradesh - The Heart of India

Class 4 conducted thematic assembly from 23/7/12 to 26/7/12
Theme for the assembly was Madhya Pradesh (The heart of India).
On day 1 (23/7/12)-Students showed the neighbouring states of M.P. with the help of placards.
On day 2 (24/7/12) - students enacted a scene from the courtroom of Akbar and the nine gems, highlighting Tansen the great musician and composer from Gwalior.
On day 3 (25/7/12)- While some students wore tiger masks and some stood like trees depicting a scene from forest, one of the student spoke about the National Parks of M.P., highlighting Panna National Park (Tiger Reserve) .
 On day 4 (26/7/12) - Assembly was concluded with a Gond tribal dance performed by girls.
All the students participated with a lot of enthusiasm and interest.